Spring Self-Care Rituals

Today marks the first day of Spring! It’s the perfect time to create new rituals (or habits) that will support your self-care, and transition you seamlessly into Spring.

Create a new habit easily with these 5 Spring Self-Care Rituals ideas.


Self-Care Rituals

1. Shed Your Winter Skin

Winter can be brutal to your skin. The mix of cold air outside, dry indoor heating, and layered clothing covering your body, your skin cells can dehydrate and die-out faster in winter. Step into spring sloughing off those cells to reveal healthier brighter skin.

How To Create The Ritual:

Add it to your shower routine. Grab your favorite body scrub. If you don’t have one, check out Earth Tu Face’s Salt Scrub. Earth Tu Face was created right here in California by two herbalists. The company is committed to sustainability and community. If you are more of a Do-it-yourselfer… here’s our recipe! DIY Salt Glow Body Scrub.

Once a week (or twice if you’d like!), after you’ve washed/conditioned your hair, work a small amount of scrub in circular motion in to each area of your body. Starting from your feet all the way to your shoulders. Pay extra attention to your heels, knees, elbows, and shoulders.


spring selfcare tips

2. Get Outside

Getting fresh air can have significant impacts on your physical or mental health. Now it’s time to take advantage of longer days and nicer climates! Whether you are moving fast or trying to be still, being outside can help engage your mind into the current moment.

How To Create The Ritual:

For a physical health boost you can add a morning walk or jog to your routine, or step outside for some jumping jacks or lunges. If your work is about slowing down, think about having that morning coffee in front of your garden instead of in front of your computer. Or, once you get home, change your clothes and take a few minutes on your patio with your favorite beverage.


spring selfcare rituals

3. Stretch It Out

Gentle stretching before bed is an awesome and easy way to improve sleep duration & quality. Many studies have linked gentle exercise and stretching with an overall improvement in sleep quality. Here’s an example of one such study which found that stretching before bed could improve symptoms of insomnia.

In addition to improved sleep stretching before bed can also help reduce body pain & mental stress while improving mobility and flexibility.

How To Create The Ritual:

Add it to part of your nightly routine that already exists. So instead of watching The Daily Show from your couch, spend some time stretching it out on the floor. Or, maybe, after you brush your teeth you take 10 minutes stretching before getting into bed. If you need some guidance, here’s a great article with 5 bedtime stretches.


spring Gratitude

4. Practice Gratitude

Spring is a season of new beginnings, growth, and renewal. Practicing gratitude can help shift our focus towards the positive things in our lives and cultivate a sense of joy and contentment.

How To Create The Ritual:

Make it a daily habit to reflect on what you are grateful for. It could be as simple as jotting down three things you are grateful for in a journal each morning or evening. Or, you could try incorporating gratitude into your meditation or prayer practice. Take a few minutes each day to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings in your life.


Planting In Spring

5. Plant Something

Spring is the perfect time to get your hands dirty and plant something. Not only is gardening a great way to connect with nature and get some fresh air, but it can also be a therapeutic and calming activity.

How To Create The Ritual:

Start by selecting some seeds or plants that you’d like to grow. You can choose herbs, flowers, or vegetables depending on your preferences and available space. Then, set aside some time each week to tend to your plants. This could involve watering them, pruning them, or simply checking on their progress. If you don’t have a garden, you can start with a small indoor herb garden or even a few potted plants on your windowsill. Watching something grow can be a rewarding experience and can help bring a sense of peace and calm to your daily routine.

Sacramento Self Care

Zach Stahlecker, CMT, CAMTC #41331

Zach Stahlecker is an experienced bodyworker in Sacramento and owner of Sacramento Massage Studio. Over the years, he has created a thriving practice and an environment that unites serenity with healing. He prides himself on providing professional therapeutic services in a warm and comfortable manner.

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This blog post was originally posted on 3/18/2021, and Updated on 3/20/2023