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Cultivating a Buddha Brain for Holiday Happiness

By |November 29th, 2017|

Cultivating a Buddha Brain for Holiday Happiness
by Kari Henley

Well, there’s less than a week til Christmas — how’s everyone doing out there? The United States is Christmas-crazy, and whether you celebrate or not, it is impossible to escape the effects. Holiday music blares on the radio 24/7, the weather in much of the country is […]

How to Make the Most of the Time You Have

By |May 12th, 2017|

“Without giving up hope—that there’s somewhere better to be, that there’s someone better to be—we will never relax with where we are or who we are.” ~Pema Chödrön

There are twenty-four hours in a day. This is true for you, me, Obama, and Oprah. Yet, I often feel like there are things that I would love […]

There’s No WiFi in the Forest, but You’ll Get a Stronger Connection

By |March 30th, 2017|

We live our lives at such a fast pace. We seem to be working more hours and juggling more tasks both at work and home, with no relenting. As part of the technological age, we are connected 24/7, and we find it difficult to switch off. It has changed the face of how we live and work. Expectations are higher, the pace of life is quickening, and we’re struggling to keep up.

Enchanting Aromas

By |March 18th, 2017|

Nature heals in many ways. Most of us have felt the sense of renewal that comes from walking through a garden filled with fragrant flowers, or sitting under a massive tree, shaded from the burning rays of the sun. Indigenous peoples worldwide believe that each plant has a spirit we can communicate with, to ask for their help in healing.

Invest in Your Health

By |January 26th, 2017|

A few precautions can prevent future pain. You brush your teeth daily because you don't want cavities or gum disease, right? Well, what do you do on a daily basis to prevent tension in your neck? Brushing your teeth offers you preventive dental care, but what if you could learn to be preventive with the rest of your body? We all have bad daily habits we don't even notice until something starts to hurt. These bad habits are the root cause of many painful conditions. To help prevent pain, however, we can turn these bad habits into good habits that can be worked into our daily routine. Here is some general advice that can apply to almost every part of daily living.

Hate Making New Year’s Resolutions?

By |December 24th, 2016|

Hate Making New Year’s Resolutions? You May Want To Try Some Smart Goals Instead
This year, say no to typical resolutions.

Conventional wisdom says that when the ball drops on New Year’s, our inner Charlie Sheen should unleash a slew of “winning” ideas for the twelve months ahead. Behold, our New Year’s resolutions are born.

But here’s another […]