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14 Mindful Eating Practices

By |August 12th, 2016|

14 Mindful Eating Practices
by Steph Dodds

Mindful Eating…. What does that mean? To me, I think bringing mindfulness into every part of our lives in crucial. This is what can help us get back into our bodies and our experience, instead of being checked out and going through the motions.

We are know we are suppose to […]

The Power of Touch

By |July 11th, 2016|

In a High-tech World, It Pays to Reach Out Physician and holistic health pioneer Rachel Naomi Remen once confessed that as a pediatric intern she was an unrepentant baby kisser, often smooching her little patients as she made her rounds at the hospital. She did this when no one was looking because she sensed her colleagues would frown on her behavior, even though she couldn't think of a single reason not to do it. The lack of basic human contact in our high-tech medical system reflects a larger social ill that has only recently started to get some attention--touch deprivation. The cultural landscape is puzzling. On the one hand, we are saturated in suggestive messages by the mass media; on the other hand, the caring pediatrician is afraid someone might look askance at her planting a kiss on a baby's forehead. What's wrong with this picture?

3 Simple Steps to Mindful Meditation

By |January 17th, 2016|

Mindful meditation is the practice of learning to focus fully on the present moment. This simple practice requires effort and discipline because it is the mind’s nature to wander, vacillating between what happened in the past (and the meaning we make of those experiences) and what we want to happen in the future (including our to-do lists, goals, and plans). Mindful meditation is a way to become aware of the habits of the mind—with openness and curiosity instead of judgment.

Exercise After Massage?

By |January 11th, 2016|

When booking a massage, consider your schedule, and try to avoid any strenuous physical exertion for at least 24 hours following your bodywork session. Exercising after a session can both increase muscle soreness and compromise the value of the soft-tissue work you’ve just received. “Strenuous exercise” includes activities such as running, weight lifting, high intensity aerobics, or power yoga classes. Light exercise such as moderate walking, gentle stretching, or swimming laps at an easy pace is okay for healthy individuals. One widely accepted view in favor of this twenty-four-hour recovery period is that sustained pressure on connective tissue makes it more gel-like. The technical term for this change is thixotropic effect. This state of increased softness lasts about twenty-four hours, so high-intensity exercise may pull or move the tissue back to old patterns or even induce new strain patterns.

The Art of Bathing

By |January 11th, 2016|

Simple Recipes to Soothe Mind and Body From bubble baths to essential oils to Dead Sea salts, prepared bath products are designed to enhance a bathing experience, but they can be expensive. Instead of spending the extra money on special bath products, try one of these natural, simple bath recipes with ingredients you probably already have in your cupboard or refrigerator.

8 Easy Ways To Combat Stress & Anxiety (In 8 Minutes Or Less)

By |December 10th, 2015|

Whether it’s a tight deadline at work, planning a wedding, moving, challenges at home, or the upcoming holiday season, life can get pretty stressful. Between the busyness, overwhelm, and lack of sleep, that tension begins to take its toll: Inflammation rises, the immune system gets battered, emotions are rocky, belly fat may accumulate, and digestion starts to go awry. These are the times we need our healthy habits the most and also when it’s easiest to let them go. Since stress is an inevitability, here are eight ways to stay healthy — even when your life feels like it’s coming apart at the seams — in eight minutes or less: