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Coronavirus is accelerating a culture of no touching

By |April 10th, 2020|

Touch has profound benefits for human beings. But over the last few decades, people have become increasingly cautious about socially touching others for a range of reasons. With the novel coronavirus spreading, this is bound to get worse. People have already started avoiding shaking hands. And the British queen was seen wearing gloves as a precaution not to contract the virus.

Panic Attack or Coronavirus?

By |April 9th, 2020|

It is natural to feel anxiety and stress during this coronavirus crisis. Elevated levels of stress directly affect breathing, however. Apart from the seriousness of the matter and heart-wrenching reports, watching the news, under the circumstances, may be also be an added threat to your sense of wellbeing and health, mental and physical. Anxiety disorders, and panic attacks in particular, can mimic coronavirus symptoms, such as shortness of breath.

Want to help us out?

By |March 31st, 2020|

We feel the safety measures that have forced us indoors and away from others to help stop the spread of COVID-19 is the right thing to do. We’re confident our strength and resilience will carry us through. However, through all of this we have experienced a sudden deprivation of customers. Do you want to help our small business weather the economic shock of the coronavirus? While we may not be able to give a massage in person right now, there is a way to show your support. Purchase an Electronic Gift Card!

Why We Don’t Provide CBD Oil Massage

By |March 10th, 2020|

CBD oil massage has been a big topic in our industry recently. For several years I have wondered if it’s right for our business. I have always been open to adding on new therapies and products. In fact, CBD-infused oil products sell really well. Some might even say that it is a missed opportunity to not provide this service. While I’m not questioning the benefits or the role it can play in pain relief, for now the answer is no. We do not offer CBD oil massage. With more information I might retract my position and this article.

Spring Cleaning Tips

By |March 1st, 2020|

March is here, which means it’s time for some Spring cleaning. Try these ideas to get your job done faster, so you have more time for… well… you! Quick way to clean your freezer. Easily disinfect your sponge. Clean the garbage disposal. How to clean stainless steel faucets. Clean your microwave. Wash you windows. Clean your shower head.

Self-Esteem Through Self Care

By |January 22nd, 2020|

It's easy to lose ourselves in our jobs, in our friends, or worse yet, the TV! Not that any of those are necessarily bad. We can find significance in our job. We can feel seen when we are around our friends. Even spending time watching your favorite show can be an important tool for decompressing after a long day--and, after all, it’s the enjoyment of great art which draws us to it. But spending too much time relying on anything outside of yourself to make you happy will likely lead to disconnection from self. When you take time for self-care you are reminding yourself that you are important. This is where we find our self-esteem.